Organized housing
Organized housing for the elderly experienced a huge growth in the 1990s and developed into the quantitatively most important form of housing for the elderly in Germany. Organized housing is a model of future housing. As a real alternative, it enables homes for the elderly and infirm to live independently in apartments built without barriers, so that there is an easy possibility to use support and care services if necessary.
Dwellings in which organized housing is carried out are built without barriers and offer services that can be divided into so-called basic and additional service packages.
According to a scientific study by the TNS Emnid Institute "Wohnwünsche im Alter", 23% of respondents can imagine living in organized housing from the age of 70 onwards. Reflecting the results of the study on current figures, it is concluded that in Germany approx. 2.97 million people of this age want this way of living. Counting the 30 largest cities in Germany, we come to a figure of 613,000 inhabitants.
To meet this demand, Elderly Care d.o.o. implements, together with our partners and clients, organized housing in Croatia at the highest level of quality. Our focus is on coordination and counseling related to organized housing as well as support in the construction of organized housing facilities in compliance with strict and current DIN standards.
Cooperation with 7time GmbH, based in the Federal Republic of Germany, enables us to quickly and efficiently find the necessary professional staff with prior knowledge of the German language. Only in this way it is possible to ensure and guarantee the necessary level of quality, security and satisfaction to the end users of organized housing services.
For the end users of the services, we are the first contact and intermediaries.